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电话: 16567893315
姓名: Anna
Ningbo SIYU Garden Equipment Co., Ltd

  Ningbo SIYU Garden Equipment Co., Ltd. is one of the largest and fast growing manufacture company, which specialized in producing garden sprayer. It is located at the south bank of beautiful Hangzou gulf Ningbo city, Zhejiang Province . It has good corprate culture, in line with the values of good, sound management, good corporate style, strict code of *域名隐藏* ly beneficial win-win and common development are our *域名隐藏* the same time, we will do our best to meet the needs of customer....

主要产品/业务: garden sprayer, such as: knapsack sprayer,pressure sprayer, trigger sprayer

Ningbo SIYU Garden Equipment Co., Ltd / 浙江 / no.78 Zhubei Road East,Mazhu Yuyao,Zhejiang,China (315450 ) / 电话:16567893315

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